Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Top 5 Wednesday: Favourite Chapter Headings

Before I get into Top 5 Wednesday, I just wanted to say happy Canada Day to all of my fellow Canadians! It will probably say that I posted this article on Tuesday, but it's actually Wednesday, so excuse my computer's confusion.

Anyways, Top 5 Wednesday, as you may already know, Top 5 Wednesday was created by gingerreadslainey. Here is a link to her channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWEbV2Z1guEF0SvWF0Ng2qw , and the Goodreads group: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/118368-top-5-wednesday , just in case you want to check them out. 

This week's topic is "Favourite Chapter Headings". In the majority of the books I read, the chapter headers are just the number of the chapter, and the only really good ones I found were from the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, so all the chapter headings will be from one of those five books. It was quite difficult to choose my favourites because they are all pretty funny or awesome. But anyways, let's begin!

5. "I Go Snowboarding With A Pig"

This chapter heading is hilarious and accurately described what happens in that chapter. Percy did in fact go snowboarding with a pig, and it was very entertaining!

4. "Nico Buys Happy Meals for the Dead"

Again, this chapter heading is pretty funny. Do I need to say more?

3. "I Wrestle Santa's Evil Twin"

This chapter heading really stood out to me while I was reading. Plus I really enjoyed reading the chapter!

2. "I Become Supreme Lord of the Bathroom"

If you don't think this title is awesome, I don't know what's wrong with you.

1. "We Take a Zebra To Vegas"

If you haven't noticed already, Rick Riordan comes up with the best chapter headings. I means they are either super awesome or super funny. This chapter heading stood out to me while reading the books as well. Also, there's this:

BONUS: "I Go Down With the Ship"

I think every fangirl/fanboy can relate to this...

Anyways, that's it for this Top 5 Wednesday!

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